Graphics for Documents & Presentations


Title graphics for two grant proposals...

TRAIN for Success MythQuest


Original graphic for the DMIS proposal...



A graphic creator for an administrator's presentation. The intent was to graphically represent the international programs at USF Polytechnic.

A World of Opportunity


This graphic was also for an administrator's presentation. Developing the' conceptual approach was just as challenging as its execution. The challenge was to graphically represent all the various programs, services, initiatives and institutional goals of USF Polytechnic, show how they were interconnected and clearly show where they overlapped.



This was an illustration for a "Livefire Test and Training" grant proposal. The project was to develop a virtual online simulation of the CTPS (Combat Trauma Patient Simulator) manikins which the army uses to train its medics.

Patient Simulation

I developed the following four graphics purely on a whim. The idea was to spoof social media sites by creating "anti-social" media sites; that is, web sites for anti-social people. Ironically, after showing these to one of the USFP English/Communications professors, he asked permission to use them as exemplars for a course assignment dealing with criticism of social media. So turns out, they eventually became instructional media after all.


Keep Out of Myspace

Locked In



Design for a Social Media Web site banner

Mind Gardens